Reviews of Disney Genie+




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Reviewed by dgeiser Review Date: 07/23/2022

Rating: (1)
Not Recommended

1st time using genie+ while planning a vacation to WDW. Not a pleasant experience. Having been to Wdw over 40 times, I have no wish or need to be this tied to my phone or an app. Prior to genie+, using fastpass, I could plan my trip enough to select the park and rides I was interested in ,at the times that were convenient for me and then relax and enjoy my vacation. Now, I have park reservations but no idea if or when I can get on a particular ride I am interested in at a time that is convenient for me.I have no interest in being in any park all day. So this iteration of fastpass has simply convinced me that WDW is no longer a vacation destination for me. This is my Mom's last trip to Disney due to health limitations and that is the only reason this trip is still on. As a vacation club member, these changes seem fashioned to push long time members to sell. As to the question would I recommend it, I selected No, but unless you like standing in lines for hours on end or simply not going on any rides, the tool in all its awfulness is necessary.




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