Unique Disney-Inspired Baby Names (That Aren’t Mickey or Elsa)

There are plenty of ways to celebrate your love of Disney, from fun outfits to Disney-inspired cars and homes. But one way you can express your love of Disney is by choosing a baby name — and there are plenty of great Disney-inspired baby names out there, ranging from the obvious to the subtle.

Sorry Elsa, you won’t be on this list today ©Disney

Today, we’re looking at some of the more unique Disney names out there, so let’s dive in!

1. Eilonwy & Taran: Remember The Black Cauldron? It was a Disney-meets-Dungeons-and-Dragons movie about Taran and Princess Eilonwy’s quest to defeat the Horned King and featured unique Welsh names: Taran means “thunder” while Eilonwy means “deer” in Welsh.


2. Wilbur: Meet the Robinsons, at least in my opinion, is a pretty underrated, zany Disney movie and features a lot of unique characters! The story centered around Wilbur, the lovable aspiring inventor who gets sent to the future. Wilbur is a name full of boyish charm and means “wild boar.”


3. Audrey, Milo, & Helga: Atlantis: The Lost Empire was part of Disney’s post-Renaissance era and featured the story of Milo and his team journeying to the lost city of Atlantis. We picked out three fun names from this movie: Milo, which means “beloved”, Audrey, which means “noble strength”, and Helga, which means “holy.”


4. Megara: If you’ve seen Hercules, then you remember the sass, style, and singing chops of Megara. This unique name, which means “jealous”, is a fun way to give your kid a name that’s inspired by Disney and mythology!


5. Merida & Elinor: Brave is another great source of unique names! First up is the main character, Merida, whose name means “one who has achieved a high honor”. Second is the name of her mother, Elinor, which means “shining light”.

Brave ©Disney

6. Minerva:  Now you might be wondering, what Disney character is named Minerva? Minnie Mouse of course! This unique name is a sneaky reference to one of Disney’s most iconic characters.


7. Vidia, Iridessa, Rosetta, Ivy, & Lilac: Okay, this one has a lot of names! All five of these names, which are inspired by nature, come from the Disney Fairies franchise A.K.A. the Tinker Bell movies! If you’re a nature lover who wants a subtle Disney reference, take a peek at the Disney Fairy names.


8. Wally & Eve: Wall-E is an iconic Pixar film with a touching message and features lots of lovable characters, including the titular Wall-E and Eve. Now, it would a little bit strange to name your kid Wall-E, so how about Wally? Plus, Eve is another solid name, meaning “life”.


9. Esmeralda/Esme:  If you’ve seen Hunchback of Notre Dame, then you know about the unforgettable Esmeralda! Beyond being an awesome character, she also has a great name, which means “emerald”.


10: Walt, Roy, & Lillian:  Of course, how can we talk about Disney names without talking about… Disney’s name? Walt Disney, his wife & ink artist Lillian Disney, and his brother Roy Disney are all iconic figures in entertainment and have wonderful names.

©The Orlando Sentinel

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What do you think of these names? Let us know in the comments! 

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One Reply to “Unique Disney-Inspired Baby Names (That Aren’t Mickey or Elsa)”

  1. Our son is named Elias after Walter Elias Disney, and he goes by Eli. It fits him perfectly and we love the subtle nod to Walt! Our dogs were Kida & Koda, also subtle nods that only true Disney fans got!